Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Unit 54 Film and editing techniques

Different shots

Wide shot
·      Whole scene view

Full shot
·      Actor is fit exactly inside camera shot

Mid shot
·      Actor is half cut out either top or bottom
Close up
·      Actor face is fit exactly inside view
Close up 2
·      Actor face is fit inside view but from side
Extreme close up
·      Camera zooms in on eye (for example) of actor’s face
Dutch angle
·      Actor is viewed but on a slight tilt
Low angle
·      Actor’s face viewed from below
High angel
·      Viewed actor from above
·      Camera moves either from left right top or bottom till actor is in view

Over the head shot
·      Camera view is pointed right behind actors head, slightly higher
·      Camera rotates up down left or right till actor is in view

Over the shoulder

·      Camera is placed behind shoulder of another actor to keep main actor in view behind