Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Unit 5 contextual influences


How have artistic movements influenced games of today?

In this essay I will be discussing the topic of how over the course of history, artistic movements have helped influence game design even from the very retro era of gaming history with games like pong or space invaders.
To aid me in my statement of how artistic movements have influenced game design I will be using Journey as my exemplary evidence to games being an art form by talking about how own artist inspirations to color, drawing style and techniques help to create mood.
I will also want to argue the importance of future developments into art involvement with games and how it could positively affect a particular type of audience and run through some negatives of increased focus with videogames, in terms of lifestyle.
So with all things previously considered, my main point I want to get through is to show the increasing importance of art within development of games and how they have influenced or can influence the current and wider audiences since before, video games were solely targeted towards young boys and were heavy on action. This of course was the general rolling theme for many years, however in this current age more dynamic and varied themes and styles of games have been produced, with rpg (role playing games) taking an ever increasing popularity over typical first person shooters, I personally believe the reason behind this surge in this genre is because the same audience are beginning to warm more to varied environments that are fantasy based rather than the typical urban warfare environment, and this is due to the fact of an increase in level of development in terms of art design having more and more focus in this area. Opening peoples eyes to new moods and feelings achieved from effective art design.
From this increased focus on development with art design, games like journey have captured the publics eye due to its sheer specialty into the art side, opening to a wider audience with tastes towards art, not just action shooters.
An insight into now, Journeys a game where its sole purpose is to inspire positive feelings within players due to its artistic design and how it cleverly creates mood and atmosphere which sparks something in players, as described by lead artist/producer jenova chen (venturebeat.com) “The mission statement of Thatgamecompany, after all these years, is that we want to create timeless interactive entertainment that makes positive changes to the human psyche. If our games can help people, that’s the best reward we can get. Hearing that girl saying the game helped make her life better is all the hard work paying off. This is a clear example of the dedication to art design and with it comes emotional reactions/responses.
Looking more into how artistic techniques now and how they can effect or induce moods or feeling within people, still taking journey as my example. Within the game it focuses heavily strong mood colours for instance a strong use of orange or red gives a warm positive feeling, blue and black give off very cold and almost depressive atmosphere, feeling lost and finally journey uses white, different from the lost feeling the use of white gives the feeling of absence of life or vibrancy and uses this in its end section through the mountain to indicate the final struggle, jenova chen mentioned about his use of three strong mood colours and how they were used to show birth, trials and death, here is a quote by him (fastocreate).com) “When you direct a film or game, visuals are one of the elements that are very useful to help communicate an arc of emotion.

Coming to my main argument now, of the importance of artistic influences within games now. I will run you through the process of firstly how more and more over the years artistic movements have been ever increasing their influence throughout games right the way up to present today, specifically going into Indy companies.
Many have seen video games as just a form of entertainment like television radio etc, and have never recognized them to be art forms in their selves, ill explain how over the years games have sought out a new direction other than just the typical ultra realism action shooter genre.
The beginning of the gaming scene and a focus on action (e.g shooters) the audience mainly captivated by this theme were young boys to teens since its sole focus was on action it was very specified and not open to other audiences. For a long time it was always the same, becoming more dreary and mundane with the next, this is why I believe increased artistic influences have been vital in keeping gaming alive by opening peoples eyes to new experiences with environment design and innovative music (not just seeing peoples heads pop), games became more of an escape.
Opening to a wider audience too since it eliminated most of the specific action genre, and with the ever-growing concerns for influences on young people and violent themes in game design and how it can cause anti social behavior or even lead to crime, I believe by having this increase in attention to artistic influences can change the way it effects young adults or children by inducing elements which would open them to various aspects of life, making them more aware of what’s out there.
However one downside I can see in an increase of artistic influences in games, going back to my original idea of sense of escape from the real world with a better quality and more extravagant themes/developments in art design could cause addiction and cause a general healthy lifestyle to suffer for it.

In a summary I would say over the years artistic influences has been greatly beneficial to the games industry in terms of how it has opened it to a wider audience (more profits made) and the positive effect it can have on people by giving them many different moods to really connect or either relate to giving them a real sense of escape and immersion.
And going back to my original stating argument? I really do believe having a continued effort towards artistic design would have a positive effect on the whole public and essentially create a new art form in itself.


web link to jenova chens quote


web link to a jenova chen quote